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Mushroom Meditation

Trip Report

Mexican Cubensis Mushrooms

3.5-4 grams of dried mushrooms in soup

Set, Setting & Preparation:
2 days prior to the trip, my friend called me and asked if I was interested in trying psilocybin mushrooms, as a friend of his apparently offered us to try out his home grown cubensis mushrooms. Seeing as I had wanted to have a proper mushroom trip for a really long time, I obviously accepted with no hesitation. (My first 2 psilocybin mushroom encounters were with very low potency mushrooms, so it was more of a colour and light enhancer than a trip.)

We took the train to a nearby city and walked to the house where we were going to trip. When my friend and I arrived, there were already about 7 people in the room and I didn’t know any of them.
The guy who grew the mushrooms had prepared a mushroom soup, but he had emptied 3 lemon concentrate bottles in the soup.


The taste was horribly bad, so we had to mix some tea into it as well. It improved it a tiny bit, but it still tastes almost exclusively of very sour lemon. Even though we were all about to puke whenever we took a sip of the magical soup, we all finished our portion in a few minutes.

The room we were in was covered with Kony 2012 posters everywhere. You couldn’t look anywhere and not see at least 5 of these posters.


The room was sort of split into two. There was a couch on either side of the room with a table between them. On the table were a massive computer screen and a computer below it. My friend and I were sadly in the couch with had the front against the back of the screen, so we weren’t able to watch any of the videos or stuff that all the others did. We later realised that this wasn’t anywhere near as bad as we had expected.

The Early Trip:
After about 40 minutes of waiting, I finally started to feel the effects of the mushrooms. The first thing I noticed was that my vision slowly turned more and more blurry. I couldn’t really focus on small details of things anymore, as they would just sort of blur out when I tried to.
The next thing I started to notice was the change in my thought patterns. I started having a lot of very deep questions that I would sit and ponder about until something else came up. As more time passed, I started to have more open eye visual distortions. All the Kony posters started moving around and it was as if they had varying depths, as some of them seemed to have large bulges underneath them.
At this point, we all entered the peak of the mushroom trip and about 3-4 people left the house, which made everything a lot more enjoyable. We all started to laugh at each other and at things that we said; it wasn’t really possible to hold back your laughter or happiness. We just had fun for a really long time, and just enjoyed the experience of tripping on mushrooms, but I remembered what I came for. I came not only to have a good time, but to investigate the experience with an open mind.

I wondered if I could change the mood of the trip, so I thought negatively for a good 5-10 minutes and felt that the experience changed drastically. It’s kind of hard to put words on it, but it truly seemed as if one’s own personal mindset influenced the trip to the core. It was just completely different when you had another mindset.
I obviously preferred to be in the positive experience, so I just closed my eyes and relaxed, trying to make it good again. To my surprise, I had extremely detailed closed eye visuals. I hadn’t even noticed these or thought about them until I closed my eyes for a few minutes.
It started out pretty mild. I could see balls of lights floating around and differently coloured light coming from different angles, so it was pretty simplistic. The visuals then slowly went from the very simplistic light balls to greatly detailed geometric shapes, all with psychedelic properties. They were slightly related to many of the psychedelic images you may have seen on the internet, except they were changing shapes and colour all the time.

At this point we decided to roll 2 joints. Smoking felt really relaxing, as the smoke slowly sneaked into your lungs and back out again, forming formidable patterns in the air. It felt that the smoke became a part of me when it entered my lungs, which was quite a strange feeling.
The THC didn’t have much influence on my trip, but it did give the whole experience a small kick/boost.

There was a lot of mushroom soup left, so I decided to consume a second portion along with another guy in the room. I started to feel the additional effects about 40-60 minutes later, and it was as if the whole trip had become twice as intense and powerful. It got really quite overwhelming, so I found a comfortable position with crossed legs and decided to start meditating.

The Meditation:
Right away, I felt that meditating on mushrooms was going to be an unbelievable experience. I became relaxed and my mind turned silent almost instantly after deciding to meditate. It can easily take me 5-15 minutes to enter the meditative state without drugs, which is why I initially got the feeling that it would be a fairly different meditation session from usually.
When I closed my eyes, it was completely dark at first. I didn’t think or feel anything, I was just sitting there.

After a few minutes, I started seeing a bright light in the darkness. It was a white light directly above me. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t “look” at the light and it seemed to have some essence to it, almost divine in a way, but not quite. In addition to the white light, a blue dim light appeared in the right side of my visual field. I couldn’t look directly at this either.
Now the weird stuff starts to happen though.
The 2 lights merged together right in the centre in my visual field. They didn’t merge into a new light, but they turned into a being with a blue face. I could only see the face of this being and it looked very alien, but had a few human features. I wasn’t able to tell if the being was either male or female, it looked like a combination of both. The being never spoke to me or had any expression on its face; it just stared at me for about 2 minutes and then vanished in a split second.

I was back in the darkness and there seemed to be only nothingness in this space. But suddenly, I started to see a human body being assembled. It was as if the body was being built in layers, starting with the inner parts and building outwards. The last thing being put together was the face of the human, and it was the part that took the longest. It was as if the assembling slowed down the closer it got to being finished.
And the closer the body got to being finished, the more I started to notice my own body. I had almost completely forgotten it while meditating.
The body was finally assembled, and only then did I realise that it was my own body. It was my body being built in front of me. The moment I realised this, the body shattered as if it was merely glass. I was thrown off the meditation a little bit and I started getting tears in my eyes from this powerful vision.

After a few minutes, I returned back to the meditation and quickly found myself to be in the exact same space as before, but there was an eye floating in the middle of everything. The eye was then ripped apart in tiny layers, getting closer and closer to the centre of it. Contrary to slowing down as with the body, it was speeding up tremendously. It continued for a while, and what was before an eye, was now an infinitely small point in this space.

To make things even more trippy, massive pyramids made out of thousands of eyes in varying colours appeared in the background of this space. Behind the pyramids were morphing walls, full of even more eyes. The largest pyramid was right in the centre and had the largest eyes, the largest in the entire space being the top of the pyramid. All the eyes were looking around confused, until I realised that they were all my eyes. I had the control of all of them. So I thought to myself “Why can’t I just make the eyes look at myself?” and all the eyes looked right at me, which made me realise that I was the infinitely small point that was shown to me before. The shattering of my body was merely to illustrate this.

I observed this point in space, and found that it was completely still, I was completely still and constant. At the same time, I started to experience very intense feelings coming from the same source as the white light that I saw earlier. My meditation also took a drastic turn and I had never experienced anything like it. It was a million times more pure than my usual sober meditation sessions and there are no words to really describe the sensations that I was having.

Following was a sense of “I’ve seen the truth” and “I don’t know anything”. I felt that this whole experience was as if something/someone knocked on my consciousness like it was a just a pane of glass, shattering it and assembling it again, letting me observe the whole process to teach me a lesson.
It it was so deep and so personal to me, I can’t even believe it.

The Late Trip:
I was still meditating, but I no longer experienced these very deep realisations that were shown to me. Instead, all my senses were boosted tremendously. My friend put on some goa pystrance and I remembered the song, as I had heard it a few times before, but I noticed something vastly different. I was able to hear frequencies that I had never heard in the song before. And just to make sure, I heard the song when the trip was over, and I couldn’t hear any of these extra sound and noises. I opened my eyes and found that lights and colours were also a lot brighter, so much that it hurt when my eyes were open.
Something else I noticed after my meditation experience was that my touch felt really strange. If you’ve ever had anesthesia, you know what I’m talking about. Touching one’s own skin feels really strange, and you have a weird sensation in your body at the same time, I felt exactly like this. I asked the others in the room if they felt anything like this, but none of them knew what I was talking about.

I closed my eyes again, as I couldn’t stand having my eyes open any longer.
But it was different from last time. I could still “see” the room clearly, even though I had my eyes closed. But rather than actually seeing it, I could sense everything around me through the sound. I could tell whenever someone moved or where in the room they were etc. My vision was a lot better this way than with open eyes, so I sat and spoke with everyone like this for about 20 minutes. It must have been pretty weird talking with someone who had closed eyes the whole time, but I was a lot clearer this way and it was certainly superior to ordinary vision in some unexplainable way.

The trip slowly faded away, only coming in small bursts with completely normal states of mind in between. My friend and I were unable to fall asleep, so we just laid in the couch for the rest of the trip and enjoyed the relaxing moment. The owner of the room/house had apparently been able to fall asleep, but I felt that I had too many thoughts and questions in my mind to ever fall asleep.

I didn’t sleep until Sunday evening, so I was pretty devastated physically.
My friend and I still had short moments where we felt we were still tripping until about 10 am Sunday morning, and we consumed the first mushrooms at about 9 pm Saturday evening, so it was quite a lengthy ride.
I don’t really feel that the meditative experience changed me as a person, but it gave me some sort of insight into myself. It also made me want to learn a lot more and possibly also see if it’s possible to achieve such intense and powerful meditations without the use of drugs.
I certainly can’t wait for my next psychedelic experience.

Peace & Love

Indlæg: 30 apr 2013 19:35 

Tilmeldt: 18 feb 2013 11:19
Indlæg: 137
Geografisk sted: In the Sky with Diamonds
I like how you put the rapport in colors and pictures.
Sounds like a cool trip.

"Der er åbenbart forskel på at være blæst og belæst"

Indlæg: 02 maj 2013 09:52 

Tilmeldt: 24 apr 2012 09:41
Indlæg: 53
Mange tak :)
Det var også en vild nok oplevelse.

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