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 Titel: Who am I?
Indlæg: 04 dec 2011 20:56 
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Tilmeldt: 09 okt 2011 18:36
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Substans/er: P. Cubensis / Skunk
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4Gram tørret P. Cubensis og en hel del rent skunk i min Tjubang

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Skriver begynder da dette var mit andet trip.
Jeg er en ret spirituel dude(Nej ikke religiøs!!) og er igang med en lang og spændende rejse. Jeg havde valgt en forkert vej i mit liv med skolen jeg gik på og det gjorde at jeg næsten mistede mig selv og følte jeg havde brug for et spirituelt møde så valgte svampenes hjælp.
Jeg har haft mange psykiske problemer igennem mit liv og mange rigtig slemme depressioner uden hjælp.
Men pga én bestemt ting der skete for mig omkring et halvt år siden er jeg rimelig meget ude af den verden nu.

Ja nu har jeg jo læst næsten alle trip rapporter herinde og elsker siden, så vil også lige selv byde ind med mine erfaringer.

Rapporten er på engelsk da jeg skrev den originalt til en ven i amerika, hvis dette er et stort problem for folk så skriv det i kommentar :)

It is a long and mostly detailed report.

It was at last a week of vacation.
Me and my best friend whom i live together with now were just gonna relax fully(The weeks before was when i really felt my problem with the path i had chosen rise). I had just gotten some very strong weed grown from a really cool hippie and the Indica from another friend. I had also at last procured some mushrooms that i wanted to travel with as i felt that i needed guidance and a new spiritual encounter which i hadn't had in some time.
The first couple of days i was just high and relaxed and gamed a lot with my roomie and just had a lot of fun.

Then came the day that i had set off to my trip.

Evening came and i smoked quite a deal of the weed from my friend and cleaned up the apartment and just felt good(This brand is good, but because i don't like Indica and this one was really strong it makes me feel really bad after an hour or two when i smoke it(Normally i actually think indica is good to smoke but this single specimen of plant made me feel bad)). I then started to game a little and smoked some more and took out the mushrooms i had weighed to 4grams of dried shroomz. It was my second time with mushrooms where my first was at Thy-camp with about 1,5grams or so, so this would be really intense for me. I wanted a really intense trip this time. I had already prepared myself for the possibility of a bad trip(And i have studied the plants, effects and biology as a personal interest for long before trying myself).

I then asked the spirit of the mushrooms for help and guidance(something i always do out of respect for the spirits) and ate them while playing my video-game good and high. Then i just waited for them to work their way into my body and enjoyed the game while my roomie was playing civilizations V.
Then i noticed besides the high the feeling of energy in my body making me smile as the last time. I started staring at the Bob Marley flag i have behind my computer on the wall and saw the shapes the flag made look like men but knew it was just because of the position and because i love Bob Marley and was high hehe. Then i lost the match because i was not focused hehe. It was by the way a strategy game against a computer which i often play high. Then i noticed that the figures of the people in the game began to become different than the ordinary and looked more dynamic and 3D like. I then looked at my poster with a wolf, a lady holding a puppy wolf and an owl at top and it just looked more colorful and alive and 3D like and i again lost the match and laughed. My roomie said that maybe i should not play this right now and he laughed. I then turned it off after loosing the match a third time and laughed.

I then put on some music i had arranged for this trip. Then i leaned my head back and it felt completely like my head cracked off my body and i sat up straight and was normal, then i started doing it again slowly as it was not scary to me, just unusual. then i took off my shirt as it was making me do that thing with the head and it was distracting me hehe. Then i leaned back and started "John Butler Trio - Ocean" and closed my eyes to see my "cev"(Closed eye visuals). It started to show some colors appearing in random. Then pictures appeared which i didn't really understand. Now the song became more powerful and faster and richer in feeling. I was flying through a changing tunnel of colors like the video setting of windows media player when playing music and it was beautiful and i was waving my head happily around to the feelings of the song and i was now shot out of the tunnel and saw something magnificent. A wave of different colors moved to the music, it was the soul of the music that this awesome guy had made, and it moved around so beautifully in so many ways that's hard to explain.
The song ended and i looked over at my roomie's game while telling him of this colorful endeavor and i noticed that the game looked way different. It was like a real world he was the ruler of. It was completely like looking from above at a miniature earth. Then i don't remember what happened after this but then i was fiddling through the songs i had arranged and put on another good song and got up from my chair and noticed my apartment was very colorful and different. I looked at the palm like plant i have and it was a different green color. I started touching its leaves and very mildly hitting it with my finger, and with every stroke it sent off a wave of colors through the plant and the room. I then for a reason i don't understand started moving some of my stuff around and put them in weird places, for example i took my skull candlelight holder and put it out in the kitchen???
It gets a little foggy here but i remember getting restless and feeling the music was more like noise and it was irritating my ears and my head so i turned it off. I started to feel a little uncomfortable and walked restlessly around for a little while(It was because of the strong indica that i was starting to feel bad and restless) and then i walked out to the kitchen to get some milk. I didn't have any but my roomie had some so i figured i would just take a sip or two from his but when i proceeded to drink it was half solid!.
I thought it had gone bad and i spit it out in the sink but it didn't taste sour so i was worried it was my trip turning to a bad trip and got my roomie(who was sober at the moment) and asked if it was just me or if it was bad. He said it didn't smell bad but as he poured it into the sink it was still solid-like and he said it was bad and that he had forgot it. I asked if i could drink a little of his other milk(After pouring a lot of water down my mouth hehe) and he said of course and i drank and it was good, just tasted very weird.
Then i walked in and sat on my couch and looked around starting to get more uncomfortable because of the strong indica and the bad milk. I felt the bad milk was sending me into a bad trip.
My roomie said he didn't know what he wanted to do and i asked if he wanted to see a movie with me(I knew it was a little stupid to watch a movie but i just wanted to do something with somebody) i said to watch a fun movie. He started a movie called "Tank" which i haven't seen before but it was not that kind of fun i wanted. The start was filled with assholes and a guy hitting his wife and i though what the hell, i said a funny movie and because of these bad people i was steered into feelings of sadness for the wife and angry at the people and scared of them aswell.
This put me into a really bad trip and it felt like ages because my sense of time was completely off because of the mushrooms. I looked around and everything was different. My carpet was completely off in shape and size and was moving. My table which has this weird sun-like image on it was projecting itself up from the table and into the air like a hologram. My posters were not posters anymore but parts of the wall and different in colors. I then started to revert back into my childhood. I laid on my friends lap who was not my friend anymore but my mother. I was scared and needed comfort which i seeked in my mother as i had as a child. But it was both my mother and my friend(Very very hard to explain, as it is when tripping on mushrooms(Words just isn't enough to explain)). I asked him if it was ok and he said it was fine and started to pat me with his hand and resting his arm caring on me. I told him that he was a great friend and asked if i was a good friend and he said yes which meant a lot to me because i didn't know who the hell i was anymore, i was loosing myself completely and was just a scared little child in a scary new world of nonsense and great evil.
I was in this horrible nightmare for what seemed like a lifetime. There the bad things went on and i just couldn't take it anymore and after a lot of fighting my inner nervous anxiety of scare from how people react to me I said to my roomie that this movie was not fun at all and that it was awful and filled with evil and evil people and i asked if we could put something else on. This annoyed him a little because he was unsure of what would not be like this when tripping(he has never tripped before and has trouble figuring out what i want sometimes).

I got up and felt a lot better now that this movie was not running anymore and also the tripping was toning down as mushroom tripping comes in waves so i was on my way to sort of a "rest". I looked at his movies but gave up quickly and just looked at my roomie and said "Something really funny" and made that anticipating motion children do. Then i said from nowhere without thinking. Harold and kumar! and he smiled and said ahh(We have watched those movies so much together and both love them). I was still unsure of anything and didn't understand anything or myself. I went to the bathroom and started to pee while looking around at the completely changed and very weird out of proportion bathroom. When i was peeing i looked at my deodorant which i didn't understand but it was like i was peeing my memory back how weird it must sound like. Then i pointed at the deodorant and yelled "That's what it is for!!" "Eurica, i got it!!!" "I remember myself now!!".
I was just amazed of how intense this trip had been and how extremely long i had been in it(it felt like i was in that horrible place for a lifetime but it had only been a little shorter than one hour in the movie!!!) Then i went back to the living room and told my friend that i was back and had been away for hours on no end and he laughed a little and smiled as did i and said that it was a little weird being back to "me" again. I got my blanket to get all comfy on my friends lap who was turning into my mother again. Now we watch the movie and i remembered that it was in waves and i started losing myself again and very soon i was a child again and the visuals started to heavily come back and i thought to myself oh no not again, please not again because now i was the unknowing child from the bad trip again but i didn't bad trip though. The movie steered my emotions to those of happiness and laughter and I was just curious about this world i was born into. The carpet was changed and out of proportion again and all alive and moving but it was not scary. The table made that awesome hologram again. I looked over at the glass door to the little balcony that every apartment here has and it was like someone had taken it all and divided it into 5 pieces of look through in different colors. I had done this all evening and it was beautiful.
I looked at my Amon Amarth flag with the Nordic thunder god Thor from the viking era fighting the Midgaard worm and it was just so different, the colors had changed places and it was moving, alive. The other posters were like Harry Potter paintings that moved with the guitar playing skeletons in them. We watched the whole movie and it was very hard to focus on and i was often distracted by visuals i didn't understand. This is a part of the trip that i have trouble remembering, I suddenly after looking around looked at the TV with the movie running but there was no movie. I suddenly felt very different than before and the room started to change. Now i suddenly understood, i was in a "Weird Al Yancovic" music video. It was like that music video of "Beverly Hillbillies" without it being 1980's computer graphics and without the clips of that rich hillbilly movie. It was an awesome feel and scenery, and i could hear the sound of Yancovic singing the song, man that was awesome. Now when it stopped i was remembering a lot from my childhood. I suddenly looked up at my roomie with a big smile and said "How big are my pupils right now?" as i knew they would be very large, he smiled and made a big void with his hands and said a noisy bear sound and we both laughed very hard.

I had been drinking very much water so i had to pee and again in the action of peeing i flushed the uncertainty out of me and remembered myself. Then i started to sit in my own end of the couch as his leg hurt from the weight of my head and i wanted to not sit together with anyone anymore. I started to ponder on what i had experienced and began remembering my childhood relationship with my mother which i had repressed alongside most of my childhood and teen life because of the horrible things i went through. I could before only remember how my parents had abandoned me to my depressions and because i had felt so betrayed i had developed a great hate towards them, especially my mother and wouldn't let them into my life anymore and it just got worse and worse with time.
I started crying a little inside about everything that had just come so fast back to me. All the memories about my loving mother being so good to me as a child and i back to her. That my mother might actually have been a really good mother. I still felt very betrayed so i started to write to my mother while my roomie and i was watching the movie. That i was on shroomz and what she was doing to just start a conversation. She got worried as she doesn't understand the truth about psychedelia and just saw them as a drug. They knew i was a pothead and how i felt about weed and psychedelia as i have tried to explain the biology to them to make them see the truth of it all.. But i wrote that there was no need to worry as it wasn't bad anymore. I then told her that i knew that we have had many problems and asked her directly if she liked me as a son. she answered that of course she does, that i was her jewel as my brother also is. And i just answered that i was glad we got it right between us and the mushrooms were not talking, they were allowing ME to talk freely without my ordinary boundaries. I was still very overwhelmed with everything and started to get a very weird understanding of everything. Everything i thought about made complete sense before i could ask the question. All these things i normally work so hard to understand just all made complete sense now, with just one thought the mushrooms answered. My roomie and i watched the movie till end and it was funny, and i still tripped about things but mostly it was that all-knowing mind i had. Then i was very hungry and made some food while i was in the vast knowledgeable state.
We then put on another fun movie called "Road trip: Beer pong". I went into my room to get some pillows and a stuffed animal from my childhood, but i had trouble getting them out of the bag because they sat quite tight and then suddenly another wave of trip hit me and it became very colorful and every time i shook the pillow to get it out it bursted with colors coming out of it and into the room, and it was like if someone had taken a remote and put everything in fast forward like at my trip at Thy-camp, and my roomie thought it funny to mess a little with me to make me laugh(We are both quite weird in our weird actions to make things funny) and he came slowly(which was fast forward to me) around the corner only his head while laughing in such a weird imp-like way. And as i looked at him he quickly got very big eyes and laughed like a child while he ran super fast away. It was so weird and it was all in fast forward so i just broke down in laughter and my roomie came back and laughed while i told him how I saw it which made us laugh even more.
We then watched the movie and i really don't remember much of what happened other than it was very chill and relaxing and i had a lot of epiphanies and realizations of things which i have sadly forgotten. I also had a hard time talking with my roomie as my mouth couldn't follow the speed of my mind.
When the food was ready we ate it and it was so weird to eat while still tripping, it was a completely different experience. And i can't explain it, the best i can do is to say it is like eating for the first time ever after a life of never having to eat, but it was more. When the movie ended my rommie went to sleep.
I was done tripping intensely and was at come-down and decided to smoke more weed and relax some more before going to sleep. I did and it was nice and relaxing.
I slept well but the next day i had a hard time remembering because of the strong Indica weed which always gave me a hard time remembering, almost like smoking Amnesia Haze on that part.

In Conclusion:
The spirit of the mushrooms did guide me, but in a very hard lesson, one that i really needed. I am very glad of the things i have gotten from this intense trip.
I have also chosen to forgive my parent for about everything and we have a good relationship now.
I have never bad tripped before but i am glad that i had prepared myself for the possibility of a bad trip, as this was a harsh bad trip that i was trapped in for what seemed like a lifetime without being me anymore. But i am also glad that i got the bad trip as it was what i needed. Not only did the mushrooms show me some of the childhood i had repressed, it also showed me how arrogant and in my mind immortal i had become from following this wrong path. I had become a victim of what i hated, i myself had become the monster i fought against.
In the month or so afterwards i have pondered about this trip and i have come to realization with a lot of things about myself and learned from my own mistakes.

I asked the spirit of the mushrooms for help and guidance and my oh my it gave me that.

Why this wonderful piece of nature is illegal is completely brain-dead and retarded.

Håber i kunne lide min første trip rapport, kommenter endelig.
Peace, love and harmony \/

Senest rettet af Edgar 12 dec 2011 08:42, rettet i alt 1 gang.

Indlæg: 05 dec 2011 20:01 
Junior medlem

Tilmeldt: 09 okt 2011 18:36
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MODs installed??? Der skulle stå var du sammen med nogen..

Indlæg: 05 dec 2011 21:33 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 09 feb 2006 20:35
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Geografisk sted: Island of Wak-Wak
MODs installed??? Der skulle stå var du sammen med nogen..

Det har du helt ret i. Det retter jeg lige her senere. Sjovt ingen har set det i en hel md. Men nu er det set.

Psychedelia du er i mit hjerte

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