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Indlæg: 30 jun 2021 15:44 

Tilmeldt: 25 maj 2005 23:45
Indlæg: 2485
Geografisk sted: Inside the animal
A California bill to decriminalize psychedelics was read for the first time in the State Assembly on Tuesday, a day after Sen. Scott Wiener, the sponsor of the legislation, rallied for support in the state Capitol park.

Wiener’s bill SB 519 passed the Assembly Public Safety Committee by a vote of 5-3.

At a hearing before the Assembly Public Safety Committee — one of the two committees the bill was referred to after the Senate vote — Wiener started by acknowledging the amendment in the analysis to remove ketamine from the bill.

“Ketamine has huge benefits in terms of treating severe depression, but we understand that there are concerns about it,” Wiener says. “In addition, it can be prescribed by a physician so we’re removing that from the bill in accordance with our discussions with the committee.”

Wiener’s SB 519 was approved by a 21-16 State Senate floor vote earlier this month. If passed, the legislation would allow possession of small amounts of psychedelic substances including psilocybin, MDMA, LSD, and mescaline for adults 21 and over.

“There have been some questions and people sometimes hear the word, and they don’t know exactly what it means when we say they decriminalize,” Wiener explained. “What we mean is that under SB 519, we will no longer arrest people and incarcerate them for the simple personal possession of psychedelics for personal or shared use.”

He further emphasized that “the bill is not applicable to anyone under the age of 21,” and that it has been modelled around cannabis legislation.

“I suspect you will hear some of the outrageous misrepresentations around the bill,” he says. “Just to clarify, the bill does not decriminalize the sale of psychedelics. It does not decriminalize in any way, giving or sharing or otherwise providing psychedelics to anyone under 21. All of that will remain illegal.”

The bill will also decriminalize drug testing kits so that users can test their psychedelics. “To confirm that they are not contaminated, that is something we should be promoting for all drug use,” Wiener says.

The ‘Controlled substances: decriminalization of certain hallucinogenic substances’ bill asks the California Department of Public Health to establish a working group to study the recommendations on the state’s regulatory system for equitable access. The report would be due by January 1, 2024.

Under this bill, the California statute that restricts the cultivation or transportation of psilocybin spores or mycelium “capable of producing mushrooms” would also be repealed.

The sponsor is counting on this legislation as a step towards broader decriminalization. In a press conference held on Monday, Wiener shared that the failed War on Drugs “has torn apart communities, particularly communities of colour.”

Reiterating the same in the Assembly, Wiener continued, “The failed War on Drugs has been a huge burden on tax revenues, [and has] torn communities apart. It has dramatically harmed black and brown communities, and it has done nothing to make communities safer, or to make people safer if they are using drugs.”

“It’s time that we stop our failed policy of mass incarceration and acknowledge that not every substance is harmful,” he adds.

Answering a member’s question on the harms of decriminalizing psychedelics, he said, “I want to be clear, I would love if the FDA actually got around to rescheduling.” “Anyone who’s dying by committing suicide because they took a psychedelic is not an epidemic, the epidemic is untreated mental health and addiction.”

He continued, “700 people who died last year in my community in San Francisco had overdoses, because they’re addicted to heroin or fentanyl or meth, and it’s illegal for them to access this treatment.” ... 3HhIZDEGkU

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Støt Psychedelia på facebook

Indlæg: 30 jun 2021 19:14 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 17 sep 2006 21:46
Indlæg: 2857
fun fact: der er død langt flere af stoffer end af covid i USA i 2020/21. hihi

Når du har lortesmag i munden, så tag en cola til bunden

Hvis du ikke er i stemning til at tage stoffer, så kommer du formentlig heller ikke i stemning af at tage dem.
<@jimfear> jeg kom engang mens jeg dødløftede

Indlæg: 30 jun 2021 19:51 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 18 mar 2014 21:14
Indlæg: 2753
Hvor mange? Smid lige en kilde på - er der virkelig død over 350000 af knark i USA sidste år?

Indlæg: 30 jun 2021 20:05 
Dedikeret medlem

Tilmeldt: 12 jun 2010 23:00
Indlæg: 1268
Geografisk sted: Køleskabet
Der er forskel på "død med corona" og "død af corona".

Skal nok blive godt, når de utallige hjemløse i Californien begynder at kombinere deres psykiske sygdom og stofmisbrug med psykedelika

Indlæg: 30 jun 2021 22:15 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 17 sep 2006 21:46
Indlæg: 2857
Fso skrev:
Hvor mange? Smid lige en kilde på - er der virkelig død over 350000 af knark i USA sidste år?

Jeg huskede forkert, det var kun i San Francisco -

Første link er stadig relevant, tho.

Når du har lortesmag i munden, så tag en cola til bunden

Hvis du ikke er i stemning til at tage stoffer, så kommer du formentlig heller ikke i stemning af at tage dem.
<@jimfear> jeg kom engang mens jeg dødløftede

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