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Indlæg: 12 apr 2009 17:23 
Junior medlem

Tilmeldt: 25 aug 2007 20:50
Indlæg: 5
I’ll write this in English as my Danish isn’t great and to therefore to avoid misunderstandings. Feel free to answer in Danish as I understand it perfectly well.
Secondly I tried to find the rules about such postings but couldn’t find any so any moderator feel free to edit what is against the rules. Hopefully it’s not against the rules, as the final product will be healthier than the original, should you first choose to play with this substance. At least you will know what kind of shit is going up your nose.
According to my source some of the advantages are less harm to nose, no smell, no burning, no edginess, no ampyness and less of an uncomfortable and restless feeling. Of course, exactly what changes depends on what you are removing but most of the shit you want out will be removed using this method.

Ok, so to it. This is a technique which is not specific to cocaine but it works well on it. Similar methods can be used to clean products with similar module structure such as amphetamine, ephedrine or MDMA. As it’s a general method I won’t post source but am happy to do so on request (in this post). Having said that, anyone, feel free to answer questions here as I’m not visiting too often.
Please note that I'll be using 2 grams of adulterated cocaine as my example for this procedure, so keep that in mind. You should use 15 ml.s of acetone per every 1 gram of cocaine. Only reason for using 2 grams is that’s what I found in 4 small bags on the street (weight is including the plastic it came in.

First crush your 2 grams of adulterated cocaine as fine as possible. The smaller the better as it makes way for the cleaning Acetone everywhere. Put it in a glass or something where you can stir easily. Don’t use anything of cheap plastic close to your Acetone as it will melt.
Pour your crushed up cocaine into 30 ml of acetone. Stir the cocaine in the acetone for approx. 3-5 minutes making sure to get around the bottom edges etc. Cover with a small piece of paper or something to keep any moisture out and let settle until the cleaned cocaine crystals are on the bottom and your acetone at the top has become completely clear or dirty looking, but free of any crystals floating in it. This should take anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes.

Now, carefully pour your dirty acetone into a filter placed inside a plastic funnel and resting atop your glass. It is important on this first run to stop as short of any cocaine falling out into the filter as possible (it's okay if some crystals fall into the filter paper, leave them there). This will provide us with the opportunity to perform a second wash on the crystals in the beaker. Now, with some crystals stuck to the side of the beaker from pouring and most at the bottom, pour 20 more ml of fresh acetone into the glass trying to collect those crystals stuck on the side while pouring in. Stir again and cover.
This time, pour your entire contents into the filter paper. If some crystals are left clinging to the beaker, pour a little fresh acetone in, swirl and pour them in as well. You will now have all your clean cocaine in the filter. Once all, or most of the acetone has drained thru into the drinking glass, pour 20 more ml.s of fresh acetone into the filter paper. This will provide us with the third and last cleansing. Cover and let drain completely. This could take 5-10 minutes at the most.
While we wait I’ll add a comment about the Acetone. It’s very important that its 100% clean dry. It there is any water in it, the water will steal your cocaine. Therefore don’t use any nail polish. I couldn’t find specifications on matas acetone so would avoid that as well. However, the type you get in any grocery shop is according to the producer (Borup) weight and volume 100% clean. Should you be in doubt about the quality I would suggest “drying it”. To do this you go to your closest home brewery shop and buy a bag of Epsom salt (magnesiumsulfat).It costs next to nothing. Put the salt on some aluminum foil for 2 hours on 220 degrees to bake it. That will make the salt able to suck all the water out of your Acetone. Crush the salt, and add 20-30 gram to your 0.5 liter of acetone and shake well. Then let it settle for 24 hours, before sucking up what you need from the top layer and set the rest away for use on next occation. Just make sure that you don’t suck up the salt. For example, having it in a glass might make it easier to see what is acetone and what is salt and goo.
Now 5-10 minutes have probably passed. Once all of the acetone has drained thru, carefully remove the filter paper containing the newly cleaned and now beautiful crystals and place it between three or four paper towels. Fold the towels over the filter paper and press firmly on the cocaine to absorb any additional acetone.
Now, this last step is very important. For your own health and for the true taste, feel and aesthetics of the newly cleaned cocaine, you must let it evaporate on its own, still inside of the filter paper for at least 24 hours.
Carefully open the filter paper and let the clump of beautiful cocaine fall out onto an awaiting plate or bowl. Rub the filter paper together over the plate if any is stuck to it. Carefully open up the clump to examine your newly formed, clean and pure crystals. This will resemble nothing of which you started with, no matter how good or bad it looked. The two grams in this example gave 1.1g of pure cocaine, 0.7g of goo, hence 0.2g plastic. If of any interest, the goo I got out felt and smelled like wax. Have no idea what it is. As its clean, remember to make lines less than half normal size.

Have a nice clean day.

Indlæg: 12 apr 2009 20:06 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 26 aug 2003 01:01
Indlæg: 4006
Geografisk sted: .....
Acetone vasken er ret velkendt herinde, eneste problem er bare, at cutmidlet ikke altid er til at vaske med ud - så skal man gå lidt grundigere til værks.. Men jeg har også kun gode erfaringer med acetone vaske i forhold til amfetamin... =)

I forhold til reglerne, har du ingen brudt - det er egentlig mest bare køb/salg og links til forhandlere der ikke er tilladt, stort set=)

Indlæg: 13 apr 2009 22:58 
Junior medlem

Tilmeldt: 25 aug 2007 20:50
Indlæg: 5
No doubt, there are definately cases where a Acetone wash won't work. For example in won't remove cuts like Amphetamine, pse and mdXX. But, on the bright side cuts that won't be removed are rather the excetion rather than the rule.

In addition, if you have a regular dealer I wouldn't be suprised if he has regular dealers himself so the cuts will be fairly constant. Therefore, as you have nothing to lose (except 48 hours of waiting) it is definately worthwile testing.

There is also a bonus attached. If your dealer says "this is a new batch, and its sooo much better", its kinda cool when you can say that "nahh, I preferred the last one" knowing the former was cleaner and your dealer probably doesn't. If he does know, at least he doesn't know that you know ;-)

Indlæg: 16 apr 2009 03:15 
Dedikeret medlem

Tilmeldt: 22 maj 2007 23:49
Indlæg: 792
Fargoer skrev:
No doubt, there are definately cases where a Acetone wash won't work. For example in won't remove cuts like Amphetamine, pse and mdXX. But, on the bright side cuts that won't be removed are rather the excetion rather than the rule.

In addition, if you have a regular dealer I wouldn't be suprised if he has regular dealers himself so the cuts will be fairly constant. Therefore, as you have nothing to lose (except 48 hours of waiting) it is definately worthwile testing.

There is also a bonus attached. If your dealer says "this is a new batch, and its sooo much better", its kinda cool when you can say that "nahh, I preferred the last one" knowing the former was cleaner and your dealer probably doesn't. If he does know, at least he doesn't know that you know ;-)

You can't really say that the wash won't help in specific types of drugs (MDMA, MDA, amphetamine, cocaine and so on) because it mainly depends on what it is cut with. If the cutting material is sugar, salt, pepper, wheatflour, or just some white in-active substance - its not all of them that have the same polarity (== if the cutmaterial isn't polar, it cannot dissolve into the acetone, and it will not be removed..)

When that is said, this is a good general guide on how-to make most street drugs in powderform more clean, and even if it won't remove ALL of the cutting material, there is a good chance it will generally increase the quality of the chemical anyway.

I believe there are several smaller guides on the forum somewhere, on how to do this.. but since I can't see a high-quality sticky maybe someone should do one!

Once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as hard as you can.
Gør dig selv en tjeneste, og lad være med at starte en samling.

Indlæg: 18 apr 2009 16:37 
In our memories

Tilmeldt: 01 okt 2000 01:01
Indlæg: 7066
Geografisk sted: København
There is a high quality sticky about Cocaine cleaning...

Omkrystallisering af Kokain.HCl (Recrystallization of Cocaine.HCl)

Indlæg: 14 jul 2012 17:05 
Junior medlem

Tilmeldt: 04 mar 2006 19:30
Indlæg: 6
Geografisk sted: Århus
Kan man bruge alm. kaffe filter og Borup eller matas acetone?

Indlæg: 14 jul 2012 19:08 

Tilmeldt: 06 sep 2010 22:23
Indlæg: 337
ved ikke hvad mener med borup, men hvis acetone´en er ren nok, så ja. der er en tråd om det hvor de skærer det totalt ud i pap for en.
det er desuden en meget gammel tråd

Bagsidens gule sider - Giftlinjen, rådgivning om misbrug mm.

Indlæg: 15 jul 2012 08:13 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 10 aug 2004 11:26
Indlæg: 2208
ved ikke hvad mener med borup, men hvis acetone´en er ren nok, så ja. der er en tråd om det hvor de skærer det totalt ud i pap for en.
det er desuden en meget gammel tråd

LeJunk fra bluelight nævner i hans tråd om kokain oprensning at coke er ekstremt vandopløseligt, og at man derfor er nød til at finde acetone af høj renhed, der ikke indeholder vand, samt sørge for ikke at anvende en acetone flaske der har stået åben, da det ellers vil have suget vand til sig.

Indlæg: 15 jul 2012 14:15 
Junior medlem

Tilmeldt: 04 mar 2006 19:30
Indlæg: 6
Geografisk sted: Århus
Hvad med filter? tror i ikke et alm. kaffe filter kan anvendes?

Indlæg: 15 jul 2012 16:34 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 29 maj 2007 17:21
Indlæg: 1789
Geografisk sted: sydschlaraffenland
Jeg kan ikke se hvorfor du ikke skulle kunne bruge et almindeligt kaffefilter, men de kan være skrøbelige...

Alice skrev:
Desuden er kviksølv ikke så slemt. Folk der var børn i 70'erne stod med det i hænderne.

Indlæg: 15 jul 2012 21:15 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 10 aug 2004 11:26
Indlæg: 2208
Hvis du laver en ordentlig acetone oprensning, samt en efterfølgende simpel vand oprensning, tror jeg du har fået fjernet det meste, hvis ikke alt, overskydende crap. Især hvis kokainen i forvejen er af høj renhed.

Prøv og læs den her: ... nal-thread

Har helt sikkert selv tænkt mig at lege lidt rundt med den acetone oprensningsguide + en vand ekstration, næste gang jeg har cola mellem fingrene. :peace:

Indlæg: 22 sep 2012 17:17 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 10 aug 2004 11:26
Indlæg: 2208
Vend gerne tilbage med det, wEstzIde :)

Der kommer nok mindst til at gå nogen år. Har ikke den store lyst til at indtage levamisol. :evil:
Forpulede drug cartels.

Indlæg: 22 sep 2012 17:20 
Dedikeret medlem

Tilmeldt: 19 okt 2010 19:59
Indlæg: 966
Vend gerne tilbage med det, wEstzIde :)

Der kommer nok mindst til at gå nogen år. Har ikke den store lyst til at indtage levamisol. :evil:
Forpulede drug cartels.

Kan det ikke fjernes med denne oprensning da?

Every individual reacts differently to every chemical.
Know your Body - Know your Mind - Know your Substance - Know your Source.

Indlæg: 22 sep 2012 17:25 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 10 aug 2004 11:26
Indlæg: 2208
Vend gerne tilbage med det, wEstzIde :)

Der kommer nok mindst til at gå nogen år. Har ikke den store lyst til at indtage levamisol. :evil:
Forpulede drug cartels.

Kan det ikke fjernes med denne oprensning da?

Desværre nej. Det er ikke sådan lige til at fjerne, og det er noget af det værste for din krop.

Indlæg: 02 dec 2012 23:45 

Tilmeldt: 15 dec 2008 17:22
Indlæg: 185
Geografisk sted: Fyn
Jeg har før læst, at det er bedst hvis acetonen er iskold. Er det en fordel, eller er det ligemeget?

Indlæg: 02 dec 2012 23:49 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 10 aug 2004 11:26
Indlæg: 2208
Jeg har før læst, at det er bedst hvis acetonen er iskold. Er det en fordel, eller er det ligemeget?

Yes. I fryseren 4-5 timer burde være optimalt.
Igen kan det dog ikke understreges nok, at kokain er meget vandopløseligt. Hvis acetonen bare indeholder en smule vand, vil du miste noget af dit kokain ved oprensningen.

Indlæg: 03 dec 2012 00:02 

Tilmeldt: 15 dec 2008 17:22
Indlæg: 185
Geografisk sted: Fyn
Okay, super.
Jeg får nemlig et par gram hjem i morgen, så må vi se hvor meget der er tilbage efter oprensningen. :)
Et kaffefilter og Borups acetone er tilstrækkeligt, ikke?

Indlæg: 03 dec 2012 01:15 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 10 aug 2004 11:26
Indlæg: 2208
Okay, super.
Jeg får nemlig et par gram hjem i morgen, så må vi se hvor meget der er tilbage efter oprensningen. :)
Et kaffefilter og Borups acetone er tilstrækkeligt, ikke?

Når det kommer til coke så er jeg ikke helt sikker..
Hvad er renheden på Borups acetone?

For at quote LeJunk:


Indlæg: 03 dec 2012 11:38 

Tilmeldt: 19 maj 2003 01:01
Indlæg: 2754
@kridp: Du kan selv tørre dit acetone over magnesiumsulfat. Mener du kan købe magnesiumsulfat i matas. Det skal så lægges i ovnen ved ca 100 grader natten over. Det støver, så ingen varmluft. Derefter skal det blandes med acetonen og stå natten over i en forseglet beholder. Så burde det være meget tørt.

Jeg ved ikke, om det er nødvendigt at være så nazi med det. Men så er du ihvertfald sikker på, der er meget lidt vand i din acetone.

Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself.

-Jimmy Carter

Indlæg: 03 dec 2012 21:42 

Tilmeldt: 15 dec 2008 17:22
Indlæg: 185
Geografisk sted: Fyn
Tak for svaret, Imp. Jeg har læst om den der metode på Bluelight mener jeg, det er en lidt større proces, men absolut en mulighed.
Jeg har overvejet, at skrive til Borup for at få det helt nøjagtige tal, da jeg ikke går udfra at der står noget på varedeklaration, siden at folk er i tvivl. Men uanset hvad, er det vel stadig kun en lille del af kokainen der vil blive opløst.

Edit: Jeg fandt et sikkerhedsdatablad om indholdsstoffer(acetone) på Borups hjemmeside.
Indhold: 95-100%.
Dog står der ikke noget om, hvad de evt. sidste 5% kan være.

Senest rettet af kridp 03 dec 2012 21:42, rettet i alt 1 gang.

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