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Indlæg: 03 apr 2022 18:14 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 18 mar 2014 21:14
Indlæg: 2753 ... 022-04-03/

“Taliban bans drug cultivation, including lucrative opium
By Charlotte Greenfield and Jibran Ahmad

2 minute read
KABUL/PESHAWAR, April 3 (Reuters) - The Taliban announced on Sunday a ban on the cultivation of narcotics in Afghanistan, the world's biggest opium producer.
"As per the decree of the supreme leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, all Afghans are informed that from now on, cultivation of poppy has been strictly prohibited across the country," according to an order from the Taliban's supreme leader Haibatullah Akhundzada.
"If anyone violates the decree, the crop will be destroyed immediately and the violator will be treated according to the Sharia law," the order, announced at a news conference by the Ministry of Interior in Kabul, said.
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The order said the production, use or transportation of other narcotics was also banned.
Drug control has been one major demand of the international community of the Islamist group, which took over the country in August and is seeking formal international recognition in order to wind back sanctions that are severely hampering banking, business and development.
An Afghan man works on a poppy field in Jalalabad province
An Afghan man works on a poppy field in Jalalabad province April 17, 2014. REUTERS/ Parwiz
The Taliban banned poppy growing towards the end of their last rule in 2000 as they sought international legitimacy, but faced a popular backlash and later mostly changed their stance, according to experts.
Afghanistan's opium production - which the United Nations estimated was worth $1.4 billion at its height in 2017 - has increased in recent months, farmers and Taliban members told Reuters.
The country's dire economic situation has prompted residents of south-eastern provinces to grow the illicit crop that could bring them faster and higher returns than legal crops such as wheat.
Taliban sources told Reuters they were anticipating tough resistance from some elements within the group against the ban on poppy and that there had been a surge in the number of farmers cultivating poppy in recent months.
A farmer in Helmand who spoke on condition of anonymity said that in recent weeks prices of poppy had already more than doubled on rumours the Taliban would ban its cultivation. But he added that he needed to grow poppy to support his family.
"Other crops are just not profitable," he said.”

Den kommer til at gøre ondt, men det gør det allerede har set billeder fra afghansk reehab ik just nogen luksus tur.
Og lad os nu se pengenes magt er stor.

Indlæg: 03 apr 2022 21:49 
Dedikeret medlem

Tilmeldt: 12 jun 2010 23:00
Indlæg: 1268
Geografisk sted: Køleskabet
Der sidder nok nogle medicinalgiganter og gnider sig i hænderne over, hvor mange syntetiske opioider de nu kan skubbe af sted, eftersom udbuddet af opiater og heroin vil falde drastisk. Jubiiii, mere fentanyl og OxyContin...

Indlæg: 06 apr 2022 01:45 

Tilmeldt: 26 maj 2008 19:24
Indlæg: 242
Geografisk sted: Snurrestrup
Hindbaerroulade skrev:
Der sidder nok nogle medicinalgiganter og gnider sig i hænderne over, hvor mange syntetiske opioider de nu kan skubbe af sted, eftersom udbuddet af opiater og heroin vil falde drastisk. Jubiiii, mere fentanyl og OxyContin...

Jeg er ikke kemiker, og mit kendskab er mildest talt ringe, men jeg er dog ret sikker på, at produktion af oxykodon kræver en eller flere alkaloider fra valmuen.

Anyways, mon ikke Talibanerne blot ønsker fuld kontrol og monopol på opiumsproduktion samt eksport.

Indlæg: 06 apr 2022 04:15 
Dedikeret medlem

Tilmeldt: 12 jun 2010 23:00
Indlæg: 1268
Geografisk sted: Køleskabet
Muligt, men det er ikke første gang, at Taliban forbyder opiumproduktion under deres styre. De forbød det også kort tid før 9/11 og mon ikke historien gentager sig selv endnu engang. Tilgængeligheden og renhedsgraden af heroin vil falde og forekomsten af stærke syntetiske alternativer vil stige, til gavn for medicinalindustrien.

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